Membership - How you can join us
The ‘Friends of The Robert Stephenson Trust’ are the members who support the Trust. Some look after our collections and displays, some man the building on our open days and some are active in researching the associated history but such activities are not compulsory. Friends receive our newsletters and the Gazette and enjoy some discounts on our other publications.
You are invited to join if you feel that you would like to be involved. This might take the form of being a regular subscriber, as funds are always in demand for improving the collection of items to display and preserve.
Or you might care to widen your involvement by offering your time to assist with a range of duties at our various events.
If you would like to know more about what this might involve please do not hesitate to contact The Trust using this form...
or email the Trust for further details Rstrust@robertstephensontrust.com